Entries by Bo Bryan

Barrel of Grunts

We started playing poker in the eighth grade. All things to do with vice and the cravings of adulthood were scattered in the school yard verbally, in a carnival town, where many bets on moral victory were lost. The odds grew short on venial sins, among which gambling might be counted—though the Bible seems to […]

Stealing With Both Eyes

We started playing poker in the private chambers of a legendary woman, Fatima Franklin. Fatima was a former belly dancer from Baghdad, Iraq, imported and naturalized by marriage to an Air Force jet pilot. Divorced after bearing three sons, she was abandoned to her own economic devices. Her DNA and ancestry, rooted as they were […]

The Forever Beach

Myrtle Beach was always magical, a carnival town, now billboard cluttered, strip-mall-crowded, neon-glowing, the so called “Redneck Riviera”.  My hometown.  People say, “Boy, you must have seen some changes in this place in the last fifty years.”  But I don’t see it at all.  The Beach is forever a carnival; it hasn’t changed one bit, […]

First Things First

First thing to do was take a deep breath. It was always colder and windier, the air cleaner to breathe over the ocean. Cold at that hour. Before dawn, the sky unbroken, dark, dark, dark. Bluish-white islands of light lit the fishermen hunched over rods, smoking cigarettes, blowing steam from coffee cups. The light stopped […]

The Door’s Unlocked

On the way to play poker, I made promises to myself. Not to do this or that stupidly in the game, let myself be bluffed out. I always vowed: if I lost all the money I had on me, I would never, under any circumstances again borrow money from Timmy. I already owed him, always […]

Fever To Be Cool

The size of the world changed in high school, grew smaller, though a larger world might have been suggested by logic; if logic had influenced beach boys. All of my dreams condensed in the desire to be cool. It would seem a small desire to fill. But the definition of cool is vague, except everybody […]

Mystery Girl

Where did girls go when school let out? What did they do? I didn’t have the slightest idea. Which is really odd, as much time as I spent thinking about sex: how to get it, and who to get it from, and all the attendant aspects of making myself ready, presentable, desirable, and all the […]

The Glow of the Past

  I love the sounds of words, probably the first reason I became a writer. Later I added the hope of causing folks to laugh and cry reading stories that I found fun to write. I grew up in Myrtle Beach, a carnival town surrounded by characters who have grown on me like riotous vines, […]


I will run faster to catch up with myself. I will not run away from me.   I promise.   But I might not remember in a month or two so remind me. I might be chasing a new career, enamored of more success, Addicted to work, gathering new possessions. I might fall in love […]