Category: Myrtle Beach
Boulevard of Greedy Dreams
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Child labor laws did not apply in my hometown. The young, and very young, turned out to hustle the summer crowd—just as in the country, all the kids labored on…
Sartorial Satire at Gene Todd’s Pool Room
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Dino didn’t compromise fashion for the pool room. Grown men played the game in work clothes, those who worked at anything. Others were unabashed to dress in rags, if rags…
Barrel of Grunts
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We started playing poker in the eighth grade. All things to do with vice and the cravings of adulthood were scattered in the school yard verbally, in a carnival town,…
Stealing With Both Eyes
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We started playing poker in the private chambers of a legendary woman, Fatima Franklin. Fatima was a former belly dancer from Baghdad, Iraq, imported and naturalized by marriage to an…
The Forever Beach
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Myrtle Beach was always magical, a carnival town, now billboard cluttered, strip-mall-crowded, neon-glowing, the so called “Redneck Riviera”. My hometown. People say, “Boy, you must have seen some changes in…
First Things First
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First thing to do was take a deep breath. It was always colder and windier, the air cleaner to breathe over the ocean. Cold at that hour. Before dawn, the…
The Door’s Unlocked
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On the way to play poker, I made promises to myself. Not to do this or that stupidly in the game, let myself be bluffed out. I always vowed: if…
Fever To Be Cool
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The size of the world changed in high school, grew smaller, though a larger world might have been suggested by logic; if logic had influenced beach boys. All of my…
Mystery Girl
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Where did girls go when school let out? What did they do? I didn’t have the slightest idea. Which is really odd, as much time as I spent thinking about…