Category: Romance
Stealing With Both Eyes
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We started playing poker in the private chambers of a legendary woman, Fatima Franklin. Fatima was a former belly dancer from Baghdad, Iraq, imported and naturalized by marriage to an…
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In the old days, it was not cool to learn to Shag in public. You stood rather sheepishly in the crowd and watched the top dancers work out. You tried…
Ode to Subtle Wildness
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A timeless moon is rising above the memory of a beach town. Beyond the town is a restless ocean, and somewhere near the water’s edge are the dance floors. The…
Red Hot Heart
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In the Land of Shag the dance of romance goes on. Holding hands at the edge of the floor feels dangerous. The music touches you, as it did when the…
Center of the Heavens
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All I wanted in high school was a date with Francine Little, the Pekingese puppy. An inexplicably magnetic agglomeration of parts she was. Seemingly mismatched parts if viewed separately, and…
Suddenly In Need of a Baby
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DEEPWATER FATHER The impulse hit me like remembering something you forgot when you’re already on the highway. Suddenly I wanted children. Not just wanted, I thought I needed a baby,…
A Lover Lost
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TOLD YOU NOT TO WORRY, that I would never leave you I gave you reasons to believe me. The white knight lover I am took out the garbage, washed the…
All You Need is Love
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When I was a kid growing up in The Land of Shag, romance was my daily bread, also the peanut butter and jelly; I hungered for it more than French…
Cure For Lazy Legs
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In The Land of Shag the night is young forever. Along the coast of the Carolinas, shag dancing is nightlife for an increasing number of Baby Boomers who refuse to…