Category: Poems
Little Gigantic Thing
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My first romance rode a painted horse called “Beauty.” She was cute, precious beyond measure, beyond time, for she is always there, freckled and fiery red-haired, kicking the flanks of…
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I will run faster to catch up with myself. I will not run away from me. I promise. But I might not remember in a month or two…
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Waking up in the dark, before the earth rotates and the sun appears to rise, I sit on the edge of a bed, facing a wall-size mirror. I position myself…
Pertinent Points
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“Dancing is a vertical expression of horizontal desire,” said Robert Frost, maybe America’s most famous poet. The first time I heard that line quoted I wondered who said it first.…
Say Yes
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“Dancing is a vertical expression of horizontal desire,” said Robert Frost, maybe America’s most famous poet. The first time I heard that line quoted I wondered who said it first.…
Garden of Fire: Myrtle Beach 4th of July
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The gunpowder flowers bloom just after dark, MYRTLE BEACH FOURTH OF JULY. A display of fireworks UTTERLY UNIQUE, miles and miles of gunpowder flowers ABLAZE: flaming roses, orchids of white…
A Lover Lost
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TOLD YOU NOT TO WORRY, that I would never leave you I gave you reasons to believe me. The white knight lover I am took out the garbage, washed the…
Beach Bum Aristocrat
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REMEMBERING A PRINCE OF THE BEACH BUM ARISTOCRACY The Land of Shag has lost a prince. Walter Vann Applewhite, number 33 on the Myrtle Beach Seahawks football team. Graduated high…
Bonfire of Desire
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In the Land of Shag the dance of romance goes on. Holding hands at the edge of the floor feels dangerous. The music touches you, as it did when the…