Author: Bo Bryan
They Came With A Rope
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A horse is the most compelling toy possible for a budding young girl. Equine males walk around continually naked. Even geldings sometimes achieve moderate elongation when mares in heat raise…
Little Gigantic Thing
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My first romance rode a painted horse called “Beauty.” She was cute, precious beyond measure, beyond time, for she is always there, freckled and fiery red-haired, kicking the flanks of…
The Glitter of Her Laughter
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I was still wearing the clothes I had slept in, and couldn’t remember the night before. My head was on backwards. I was starving for something sweet to eat, and…
Bomb Attack
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About one month into the 9th grade, we were practicing for a nuclear bomb attack, because Fidel Castro had been caught with Russian missiles aimed at the United States, and…
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Whenever a girl got into my car, any chance of my paying undivided attention to the highway disappeared. With a girl beside me, so that I felt her, all the…
Larger Than the Land
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Headed for Surfside in the wet cold morning, we took Highway 17, a ribbon of asphalt from New York to Miami. Going fishing, we were on the road. Possibilities multiplied.…
Plumage and Perfume
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Somewhere in the genetic code for human male behavior, there is a whole spiral staircase of double helix information related to uniforms. The desire of human males, of a given…
Boulevard of Greedy Dreams
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Child labor laws did not apply in my hometown. The young, and very young, turned out to hustle the summer crowd—just as in the country, all the kids labored on…
Sartorial Satire at Gene Todd’s Pool Room
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Dino didn’t compromise fashion for the pool room. Grown men played the game in work clothes, those who worked at anything. Others were unabashed to dress in rags, if rags…