Author: Bo Bryan
A Lover Lost
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TOLD YOU NOT TO WORRY, that I would never leave you I gave you reasons to believe me. The white knight lover I am took out the garbage, washed the…
Beach Bum Aristocrat
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REMEMBERING A PRINCE OF THE BEACH BUM ARISTOCRACY The Land of Shag has lost a prince. Walter Vann Applewhite, number 33 on the Myrtle Beach Seahawks football team. Graduated high…
Society of Stranders
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What does a shag dancer need to stay healthy? Beach fever, the infection that cures the disease of loneliness. At the SOS Fall Migration in September, everybody got what they…
Dolphin in the Water
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The wave action we were caught in made pulling the anchors dicey. To wait for the wind to calm down would have been the better move. Going forward to winch…
Bonfire of Desire
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In the Land of Shag the dance of romance goes on. Holding hands at the edge of the floor feels dangerous. The music touches you, as it did when the…
Tribute to a Jukebox Giant
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In The Land of Shag Lived Fat Harold, The Jukebox Giant. He called himself “Fat” For a name like that Was easy to remember. Giants choose their names Not to…
All You Need is Love
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When I was a kid growing up in The Land of Shag, romance was my daily bread, also the peanut butter and jelly; I hungered for it more than French…
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I made another bad choice of anchorage that night. For reasons I’m embarrassed to admit; instead of crossing the channel at Port Bolivar, heading for the inner harbor at Galveston,…
#NewSouth Sunrise
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Take It Down, Take It Down I’m headed to C0lumbia, South Carolina, hottest city on Earth in the summer, to see what happens next. Are the lawmakers of the S.C.…