Category: Romance
Beyond Romance
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I called Betsy from a phone booth in Edenton, North Carolina, on the Albemarle Sound, where descendants of Blackbeard the Pirate were members of the Chamber of Commerce. I was…
The Good Father
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Looking for a wife, I decided to go to church. I was proud of my intention to be a father. Fantasies of parenthood gave me a sense of belonging. Soon…
Empty As A Pillowcase
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I had known women who wanted children, who had spooked me. One in particular was a candidate for marriage and motherhood not far behind me: Betsy had moved in, and…
Rooster May Crow
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The impulse hit me like remembering something you forgot when you’re already on the highway. Like forgetting to take your own pillow when you go far away, else when you…
Spinning The Bottle
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That first winter in high school, we were wild. Not full grown teenagers, none of us had a driver’s license, an automobile. or much idea of what to do…
They Came With A Rope
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A horse is the most compelling toy possible for a budding young girl. Equine males walk around continually naked. Even geldings sometimes achieve moderate elongation when mares in heat raise…
Little Gigantic Thing
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My first romance rode a painted horse called “Beauty.” She was cute, precious beyond measure, beyond time, for she is always there, freckled and fiery red-haired, kicking the flanks of…
The Glitter of Her Laughter
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I was still wearing the clothes I had slept in, and couldn’t remember the night before. My head was on backwards. I was starving for something sweet to eat, and…
Plumage and Perfume
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Somewhere in the genetic code for human male behavior, there is a whole spiral staircase of double helix information related to uniforms. The desire of human males, of a given…